As always, I prefer to ignore the mainstream news of political scandals, governmental impasses, and all the news related to the economy, in favor of the "far" less important back page news.
Speaking of Halloween..... I noticed a story about a little Trick or Treater, that caught my attention.
I Am Dressed as Future Convict
Aiken, S.C. - South Carolina officials say a 10 year old trick-or-treater pulled a 9mm handgun on a woman who joked with him about stealing his candy.
The Auguste Chronicle reported that a 28 year old woman reported that when she "jokingly" told the boy that she was going to take his candy, he yelled "no, your not!" and then pulled out a handgun and pointed it at her.

First of all, it isn't a good idea to tell two ten year olds that you are going to take their candy. Some jokes aren't funny. My second thought is that I would be keeping my eye on these two ten year olds and keep the guns under lock and key.
Could You Open This For Me?
Complaining that a 95-year-old neighbor has been harassing him, a 75-year-old Florida man called police Monday to report that the nonagenarian twice pulled a pocket knife on him--but that the older man did not have the strength or dexterity to actually open the weapon.
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good thing he doesn't have a switchblade |
Panama City police reported that the dispute between Charles Woolard and Joe Taylor dates back three years, when Taylor accused Woolard of stealing his walking cane. Since then, Woolard told a cop, Taylor has taken swings at him, but he has succeeded in blocking the blows.
Woolard, who denied stealing the cane, said that Taylor, “pulled a closed pocket knife on him twice,” adding that the older man “tries to open the knife but can’t.” Woolard remarked that, while he is not afraid of Taylor, he is “concerned he might have to act if he actually get the knife open.”
Police made no arrests in connection with the pensioners’s dispute.
What's Wrong With This Picture?
H&H Photographers was started by Curt Fried and Harold Gillet after returning from serving in World War II. After decades of celebrated work the two handed the business down to their sons, Dan Fried and Larry Gillet. According to Dan Fried, after having more than 65 years of happy clients he is upset that he is having to deal with a "less than satisfied" customer.
Todd Remis, an equity research analyst, married Melena Grzibovska on December 28, 2003 at Castle on the Hudson in Tarrytown, NY. Remis has filed a lawsuit against H&H Photography as well as its original founders for $4100.00 (the cost of the photographs) and $48,000 to bring back all the original attendees to recreate the wedding so new photos can be taken.
According to Fried, Remis came to the office in January 2004 to pick up his wedding proofs (though in legal papers, Remis denies getting any pictures). "He complained to us right away," says Fried. "And the company made an effort to try to find a common ground with him. We said if we missed something, we would be happy to offer another type of shoot or do touch up on some images and make some changes for the prints for the wedding album. But that was not enough for him."Remis continued to file complaints but never picked up his wedding album or paid his final balance. After years, H&H sent Remis a bill for the outstanding amount due. "He responded with a threatening letter and then shortly thereafter, he sued," says Fried. That was in 2009, six years after the wedding, a year after the couple separated and a few weeks before the statute of limitations would have expired.
What Remis failed to disclose in his legal papers is that he got divorced in 2008 -- and he doesn't know the address of his ex-wife, who returned to her native Latvia.
So far, the Frieds and Gillets have spent about $50,000 in legal fees. And it's not over yet. Justice Doris Ling-Cohan of the State Supreme Court in Manhattan dismissed most of Remis' claims, including his claim for infliction of emotional distress, but has allowed the case to continue. At a hearing on Thursday, a court date was set to meet with the judge in December to discuss a settlement. "A settlement is not something that sits well with us, but we have to obey the judge's orders," says Fried.
Are we wondering, why this guy is divorced? I think maybe I should bring back all the attendees of my wedding for the sake of a "reshoot". This time I would change the fashions that were popular in 1971.
Last and Certainly the Least important story of the week is Lindsay Lohan's newest "exploits".
Lass With Class or Crude Nude?
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If mom, Dina, says nude pics are tasteful, it must be so. I am sure we all could trust her perception of what is "in good taste". |
Whether you like it or not, Lindsay Lohan really is shedding her clothes for an upcoming issue of Playboy.
Lohan's media-loving mom, Dina, talked to The Insider about her daughter's racy shoot, and clarified that no, she won't be baring all and going fully nude in the pages of Hugh Hefner's magazine.
"It will be tastefully done," Dina says of the shoot, adding that both Lindsay and Hefner will decide if a scandalous photo of her will grace either the magazine's December or January cover.
Lindsay, who appeared in court Wednesday for violating her probation, is facing a 30-day jail sentence -- which could ultimately be bumped up to 300 days -- as well as mandatory community service.
According to E!, Lindsay was given until Nov. 9 to report to jail in order to fulfill her $1 million Playboy contract. The actress completed a photo shoot last week, but apparently Hefner was not pleased with the results. A new photographer has been hired and Lindsay is set to try again this week.
This can't be good. Hef isn't liking the nudy pics? If he doesn't get the money shot soon, he might have to do the photo session in her cell.
The Good for the Day.... Some of the very best things I see on Facebook come from 5 or 6 people. Stan is one of those people. Thought this was cute.
The Bad for the Day....A California inventor claims to have developed a laser technology to change brown eyes into blue.
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web design for babies???? Really??? |
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a geeked-out stroller |
The 95-year-old with the knife made me chuckle. What a dispute. And I think it's hilarious that Hefner wasn't satisfied with Lindsay's pictures. But the wedding picture thing takes the cake. That guy is a moron.
Hey! I've missed you! The old men cracked me up. The kid scared me.
Lohans are just screwed up. I made a joke this week about becoming a showmom and ending up on Toddlers and Tiaras since I've been taking so many pictures of Baby Bug but if it becomes true I hope my friends stage an intervention.
I have admit I want to raise a geeky kid. I'm hoping it will keep her safe from boys for longer.
I totally agree with your assessments. The guy with the lawsuit....I am surprised the judge didn't just throw that out. What is the point of redoing the pics when the marriage is long over with.
Truly, Junebug...If I see you putting makeup on Babybug and putting her in Dolly Parton wigs, I probably would have to drive down there myself.
As she is so adorable, I would think no enhancements are needed.
I am thinking the cute girls...yes, even geeky cute girls...will spark the attention of cute boys. You have years of fun to look forward to. You will handle it beautifully, I am sure.
Holy shit. 10 year olds trick or treating with REAL handguns? That's scary as fuck.
And, I think Lindsay needs to go back to the slammer for a long time. That might be the ONLY thing that saves her from herself.
I agree about the 10 year olds. Gives a whole new perspective as to what is SCARY on Halloween.
What a freakin train wreck of a girl. How many times can she fork over a crap load of bail money, only to go out and misbehave again. As long as people like Hugh Hefner provide her with million dollar deals, she will have the means to think and act like she is above the rules.
Makes me sick!
The pattern seems so predictable with Miss Lohan. She's starting to look tired and rough around the edges. I guess even with Photoshop old Hugh couldn't get a good pick. LOL! Sorry. *grin
I love these little tidbits Cheryl :p
The bit about the kid and the gun is both horrifying and sad. But the old man and the knife was hilarious. Thank God for arthritis.
These days, it's hard to see that convict costume as humorous or fun. And whoever that kid took the handgun and ammo from should've had those things kept in a child-proof place. Sad...
And Lindsay Lohan, my gosh! As much as I've liked her teenaged movies, she's just all messed up right now. Her body looks as abused as she lets it get, in my opinion. It's sad to see the talent she had as a youth just go to waste like it is.
okay, I'm getting a little worried about you, since you haven't blogged in a while. Do I need to send out a search party?
Hi Meleah, Aren't you sweet to have noticed little ole me. No need for a search party. I am working on some projects that are taking up my time. I found that I was spending WAAAYYYY tooo much time on the computer and have had to over-correct to get some things caught up. I think for a while I might get more active on Facebook and cut back a bit on blogging. I will still keep an eye on your blog, though.
That's how I felt about the kids with gun thing. How is it that young kids can just get guns and ammos from their house and go out the door. Who is watching them????
True about Lohan. She was so cute in her early stuff and now just has abused her body and reputation.
Sorry, I have been away from blogging for a week or so. How are you doing? Have you re-couped from the kidney stones. I will get over to your blog tomorrow and try to catch up. I hope all is well with you.
Sorry for the slow response, I have been away from the computer all week.
Lindsay is look rough for sure. She really needs to go to jail so she can rest up and get off the party train.
Oh, good!
I'm happy you're not sad, sick, or injured!
I'm thinking of you Cheryl as you work on your projects and prepare for the holidays. I must admit I miss your wit and humor, but I'm a patient woman...I'm waiting for your return. I can't wait to hear about this project! You will tell me about it right? LOLOL!!!
Cheryl dear, I've been holed up over the holidays (I think those weeks set everyone back!) but finally getting to read blogs again. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Wishing you a very merry 2012!
Missing your posts, particularly on Top Sites Tuesday. Hope all's OK.
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