So...perhaps it is a bad idea to start my post today begging you to not take offense. Let me explain myself before you start getting yourself all worked up. I happened to hear the on-air program of Rush Limbaugh, as he was trying to explain (in his pompous, egotistical way) that he didn't REALLY call Oprah fat ...but even if he did he would be justified because HE, himself is fat. His theory being that if you are part of a group you can use the words that you find comfortable to describe that group.
(DISCLAIMER: Not huge fan on Mr. Limbaugh, but he occasionally he surprises me with moments of keen observation only to lose me in his absurd ego-driven rants. )
Anyway, as I was saying....This brouhaha started after Oprah said a Swiss salesperson made a comment to her implying she couldn't afford a $38,000 dollar handbag. Oprah was quite vocal that she perceived the comment to be racially motivated. Rush, supposedly, made a comment that perhaps, the comment wasn't made because of ethnicity but because of negative stereotypes related to her weight. one might expect this started a sh** storm of people being offended.
Thought Number One: When Stating Your Opinion Becomes Politically Incorrect
There is hardly a day that goes by without someone accusing someone else of being non-PC, biased, racist, insensitive or a combination of all of those things. Yikes, it's a verbal mine-field out there.
It's not only that many of the words that are not offensive to some may, indeed, be offensive to others.... but it's also, how does one know which words are now taboo. (sorry if anyone out there finds the word taboo objectionable because of it's religious roots.) See!!!! Even there, I am probably trashing someone's religious beliefs.
Take for example: This year I have noticed a lot of marketing about sales revolving around the Dog Days of Summer. There is an absence of the term " Indian Summer". Actually, as of late, nearly anyone that is consciously trying to avoid being labeled "insensitive" wouldn't use the word 'Indian' at all. To be politically correct, you really should use the term 'Native American'.
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Cheryl P. family tree |
But am I allowed to use the word Indian? My mother's grandfather was Cherokee. He is the one and only non-Irish or non-Scot that worked his way into our family but still...doesn't that allow me to use the word Indian as I am part Indian. Let's not over-think the minimal amount of Indian I am. I am not trying to get into a tribe. I am just looking for the right to sing "one little, two little, three little Indians without being labeled as a bigot.
Thought Number Two: No Wonder We Are Confused
It seems that there are so many contradictions out there. I would suggest that we are all being challenged as to what exactly is politically correct.
- Saying someone is fat is considered offensive and, most cases rude. However, there are new rules classifying obesity as a disability. So we can recognize that people can be disabled by fat but not say the word in relationship to an individual person...well unless you are talking about celebrities and politicians being fat, then you can have them on talk shows to discuss it. The whole country seems to be comfortable with calling a certain politician fat to the point they would be labled bullies if they were still in grade school and no one seems to be having a problem with that.
- We can't pray in school or put religious symbols in our government office buildings but we put "In God We Trust" on our money or have witnesses swear on a Bible in a courtroom to assure everyone of their honesty.
- We can hear and say offensive racial slurs in song lyrics and in movie dialogue but not say those same slurs in public without consequences in both your reputation and your pocketbook.
- There are laws that make it illegal to yell "FIRE" in a public place (if, in fact, there is no fire) but it's within the rights of abhorrent people to yell hateful slurs at a soldier's funeral.
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A Pastafarian won the right to wear his colander for his state ID |
So for my part., I am avoiding all words that hint of any kind of bias. No longer will I say the word Indian, even though I have half of a drop of Indian blood. I won't use the term Indian Summer. Instead I will use the the term "Dog Days of Summer."

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I'm offended that someone actually makes a $38,000 handbag and that someone would willingly want to pay that much for one. Then to have an argument about why the salesperson refused to sell it to her is completely ludicrous.
That whole story irritated me. I gather from what I saw of the clip, the saleswoman didn't refuse the sale but was suggesting to Oprah that is was too expensive. Oprah left in a huff thinking the sales woman was suggesting she couldn't afford it but the rep from the store said the salesperson was just trying to tell Oprah that it was too general...too pricy.
I absolutely LOATHE Rush Limbaugh. He makes me sooooo mad my face turns red.
Also - it IS hard to be politically correct ALL OF THE TIME. I am sure I've said things that have offended people without that being my intension.
"I am not endorsing using racial slurs or thinking it is kind to call people fat...what I am saying is that the lines are blurred."
The lines ARE blurred.
And sometimes, people just need to LIGHTEN the fuck up. And stop being so overly sensitive.
Oh, I consider your point valid as far as Rush goes, he is one big blowhard and I never pay too much attention to him.
I think you summed it up with the last line. Not every statement that a person makes or receives is about them being picked on. Who is to say why the salesperson said the bag was too expensive but it went right into a racial issue. Everyone needs to quick looking for an injustice.
"Everyone needs to quick looking for an injustice"
Chill out, people!
You make many good points. I've never thought of "Indian Summer" as offensive. Maybe I'm part of the problem. But Indian summer always made me think about Indians and what a great place this must have been before white men messed it all up. Take care and have a terrific week.
I doubt that the phrase "Indian Summer" is really offending too many people, but I was making an exaggerated point about how the word 'Indian' has become part of the list of words that are now associated with racism....although usually in the context of mascots.
You, too, have a great week.
I try not to offend people, but sometimes they just need to be offended...
Oh there are so many delightful thoughts to comment on.And what an amazing family tree, so who was the one who went and 'ruined' it? A female? oh Dear, did I say ruined it. As it turns out, I likely have every nationality in my family lineage, including Mohawk( oh dear, does that make us enemies?).I like the name Prickly Porcupine, especially with her oh so cute Indian outfit, but aren't you being offensive to porcupines? Just because they have long prickle pines sticking out of them doesn't mean they are CRABBY. Gosh!
I have long thought this whole PC garage is well, garbage. There are too many contradictions to write down, and I agree with those you have posted. Lines are way to blurry. It would seem that because life is so blissful and without any major concerns people need to find minor things to find offensive, trivial issues. What is that you say? there are major concerns? Life is not all bliss? I think we can all handle being polite and respectful to others, and to their 'life issues'. Does that mean not speaking plainly? Why are people so much more sensitive today? Because they are allowed to be, or rather, we allow it. I started smiling near the end because I just KNEW we were going to head back to those dogs- in the dog days of summer. But, the kitties were a surprise.You are so right, they have no positive sayings about them. You are the purr-fect Public Relations Director for their cause. We definitely need to keep Cat Naps! Let me know when you get their FB page set up for them.
Still smiling at those last photos. Have a great day, Cheryl.
Hahahah that is a great line, Rock Chef. That should be put on a T-shirt.
Hey I'm thinking you just wrote my comment for me. I've often promoted the idea to lighten up on my blog and now I'm thinking I should stress it more like you did. Recently I started to think I should substitute fuck with foxtrot as in Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. Great comment.
well even though another reader has expressed my views in her comment, I have a minute to write so I will.
Is it better to just spell Indian as Injun. Two hits with one word. PC people and those that hate misspellings.
Life is and always will be confusing. I find cats very confusing where dogs tend show their thoughts with their sniffs or barks. Also, there are too many cats on the internet.
Birds are not well represented. I always remind myself that a bird in hand typically means I need a hand sanitizer.
So when I say an Indian summer, is that OK? Because I am not referring to native Americans, but India. India is a very hot country and therefore we refer to it being an Indian summer.
HRH is with you 110% in your battle against anti-feline terminology! Just don't expect her to volunteer any actual time or money to the cause because she's, you know, a cat.
I know next to nothing about my mothers family. I only know about the Cherokee connection as it explained how she had pitch black hair. For all I know there might be other nationalities in the gene pool of which I sprung. As to your Mohawk heritage...we can now consider ourselves tribal sisters (albeit not the same tribe...close enough). We can refer to ourselves as Indian givers (being a giver is good, right??) and read the Song of Hiawatha without fear of reprisal.
Let's meet at the Crazy Horse monument and have a POW WOW. I have sent Prickly Porcupine ahead to scout out the area. I realize that is twice the distance for you but the Indian monuments that are more in line with being half way aren't as spectacular. Perhaps after we meet we can figure out how to ask the Indian councils to give us a cut of the casino profits in light of our heritage.
Life may not be entirely blissful but then over reacting to every perceived slight isn't helping anyone find their bliss, I would guess. Yes, as with all my posts there are gray areas. Where is the line between being being totally PC and being totally ridiculous??? I agree that some people need to lighten up.
You know me well, my blogger friend. You just knew that I was heading to the dogs. (you know what I mean...) That is a great idea starting a FB page for Crabby Pants' public relations campaign.
You are a funny guy, Lisleman. Yes, we went right from insulting Native American references to "Injun". I think that might strike a negative cord with at least someone. Although, I am not insulted and I am .000000001 percent Indian, you know.
I am surprised you didn't bring up the ousting of Chief Illiniwek as an example of the whole PC hoopla.
As for cats and dogs. Yes, I will give you that cats are confusing but, in their defense they don't go up to strangers to smell their crotch so I give them credit for that. I am OK to put up with a little indifference for the sake of not having a dog's snout up my business.
Birds...not my thing. A bird will never get close enough to me to touch my hand...or at least I hope so. They are pretty from a distance.
Good point, babs. Here in the states, we would normally think of Native Americans when we hear an Indian reference. But it actually would make more sense to refer to hot weather in regards to India.
Haha..Her Royal Highness needn't worry. I accept her support without any expectation of her getting off her cozy little perch. We endorse catnaps...Heck...we are even pro Catnip.
I am sorry Rock Chef that I attached a comment to your comment stream instead of the one above it. I really should be more observant.
I know next to nothing about my mothers family. I only know about the Cherokee connection as it explained how she had pitch black hair. For all I know there might be other nationalities in the gene pool of which I sprung. As to your Mohawk heritage...we can now consider ourselves tribal sisters (albeit not the same tribe...close enough). We can refer to ourselves as Indian givers (being a giver is good, right??) and read the Song of Hiawatha without fear of reprisal.
Let's meet at the Crazy Horse monument and have a POW WOW. I have sent Prickly Porcupine ahead to scout out the area. I realize that is twice the distance for you but the Indian monuments that are more in line with being half way aren't as spectacular. Perhaps after we meet we can figure out how to ask the Indian councils to give us a cut of the casino profits in light of our heritage.
Life may not be entirely blissful but then over reacting to every perceived slight isn't helping anyone find their bliss, I would guess. Yes, as with all my posts there are gray areas. Where is the line between being being totally PC and being totally ridiculous??? I agree that some people need to lighten up.
You know me well, my blogger friend. You just knew that I was heading to the dogs. (you know what I mean...) That is a great idea starting a FB page for Crabby Pants' public relations campaign.
Cheryl I think your posting and comment section brings it out in me. I've gotten the bird and had a bird or two. Don't have a bird anymore. Actually my wife killed it but that is a whole finger pointing story in itself. Yes the birds are messy but most pets (even husbands) are. So you have never walked by a talking parrot and thought, my that smart guy could probably replace my husband? Birds are great except the ones that are flipped at you.
I would so love to hear the story of the your wife (the bird murderer) I, too had some birds back when we lived in Chicago. We were newly weds and hubby decided to buy me a pair of love birds. He is lucky that we didn't divorce on year one. As far as the birds given to me in spirit (hand gestures) they really piss me off.
Well, that's what we, in the UK mean :)
Yup! That about sums it up for the reason this country is such a mess right now.
I feel the same way about Rush as you. Haven't listened to him in more than a decade.
By the way, what gives you the right to call yourself "Crabbypants"? Uh huh, yeah sure.
Nothing much seems to make sense these days. Funny that when I was flipping channels and heard the discussion about Oprah, I didn't recognize the voice...obviously, it had been a very long time since I had heard anything Rush had to say.
Crabby Pants doesn't take offense as she and I (since I am her alter-ego) both realize she can be really bitchy. No sense sugar coating it. Maybe I should develop another alter-ego named Sweetie Pie on the rare occasion that we are in a really good mood.
Hi Cheryl,
I read your whole post and I am stumped by this: "... more PC to wear a pasta strainer on one's head as the most recent case of a follower of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster won the right to do, ..."
All I can think about is how I want to attend this church to see a bunch of people sitting around with colander's on their heads! Too funny!
I completely agree with your thoughts! I've spent a lot of time confused over what I can and can't say. My family would probably disagree and say I verbally barf, but it's hard to know when, where and under what circumstance you can or can not say certain things.
Sometimes when I say things, in my head it sounds fine, but when spoken it's like OMG did I really just say that??? smh
Great thoughts!
This is the craziest thing ever. A group of people formed a phoney (at first anyway) religion to protest the Kansas schools teaching creationism in conjunction with evolution. But then it seems they started getting recognized and their leader wrote a book.
They have a web site where you can get ordained in their church for $20.00 among other things. The bigger this group gets the more they are taking on the form of an actual religion. Hopefully the majority of people still think of it as a spoof but they clearly are blurring the lines between joking and taking advantage of the rules that apply to religious groups.
The followers are called Pastafarians and wear colanders on their heads. Now in the state of Texas they have won the right to do so.
I find it absurd that you have to pussy foot ( see right there I insulted felines and pussy willows) around words that apply to ethnic groups and such. I am not talking slurs or anything but again...the words like the word fat shouldn't be off limits unless you are being unkind in it's use. I think in many cases, people are trying to over correct. I think everyone on the planet has spoken something and had it come out wrong. We are human, after all.
I agree with some of the other commenters, people need to chill and quit being so hypersensitive.
Confusing is right...I work in mental health advocacy and there is constant bickering about words, names, labels...even whether we say mental illness or mental health. I'm more focused on helping people get resources.
Well, there are certainly certain words I find offensive and would never use. However, if a term is offensive, then I don't think the people it's used against should use it themselves. I don't think you should have it both ways. I hate it when words that originated as merely descriptive ... say, fat ... come to be regarded as slurs. Why is fat any more offensive that overweight? Or even skinny? I think as a species we've become too damned concerned with what people call us and not concerned enough about what we actually are. I find it amazing that someone as powerful as Oprah gives a rat's patoot about what a salesperson thinks. And she is, in fact, fat. I say that not because I am, too, but because it's true. Maybe we should say she's gravitationally challenged. I agree, Rush can be an arrogant ass but sometimes, he's a funny arrogant ass.
I bet you are in the midst of many words and phrases that more than teeter on the edge of insensitive and even, offensive. It's a shame that there is still so much misinformation and lack of knowledge in general in dealing with mental illness. I am thankful for people like you that work to make things better for people.
The "you can't say it but I can" is a sticky point with me as well. I don't thing words like the N word ever need to be used so, I certainly don''t appreciate hearing them in song lyrics or on cable shows.
As for fat, I's a descriptive word that in itself shouldn't necessarily be an insult but then when dropped into a culture that puts such a high value on body image, it may become used to convey a negative judgement against a person. Overall, so much of our current culture spends an inordinate amount of time judging other people by their looks or their wealth rather than the moral makeup.
I don't really understand Oprah's motivation as to why she made all those interviews talking about how she felt discriminated against. Who's to say what the salesperson's biases are/were but with all Oprah's power and wealth she certainly has risen above oppression. If a young salesperson is rude to me in a store, would I jump to the conclusion that it is an age bias and go to the local media? I probably would take my business to a store that has kinder sales people.
Rush....I used to listen to him in his early days before his ego got bigger than his mouth but it's been a long time since I tuned into his program. I guess I don't know if he is humorous. I do think that many talk celebrities are quite different in person. A couple of years ago, we had dinner with Bill O'Reilly. In person he very witty and charming. We had a lovely evening. If someone judged him by his appearance on the View, I assume no one would guess that.
I'm a very, very small part Native American, and I always call it Native American... not because I think Indian is 'racist,' but because it's just too confusing. If I say that, people think I mean my family is from India.
Along those lines, why is the term "Mexican" seen as racist? Like if you call someone a Mexican, that somehow sounds derogatory. But what if they are in fact Mexican?
Well my Indian brother...errr, I guess that would be Indian son as you are too young to be a sibling of mine...but I digress...
Very good point. There is some confusion concerning Eastern or Western Indians so Native Americans does clarify that a bit.
As far as the word Mexican...I don't know exactly when the term Mexican started sounding derogatory but you are right. If we call a person from Canada, "Canadian" or someone from Spain "Spanish" no one would deem it racist but there seems to be a difference somehow.
I notice that more of the advertising locally is using the word Hispanic when referring to anything related to Mexico. When I worked in the employment industry, I did learn that one needs to know the difference between Mexican, Hispanic and Latino. It's really very easy to offend people even if you don't intend to.
As a guy who has a wife who's Mexican, her entire family being Mexican... I don't understand that whole Hispanic/Latino/Chicano thing. I think it's stupid, and so do they. As my father-in-law jokingly says about this topic, "I'm not from Chicago, so I'm not Chicano. I don't speak Latin, so I'm not Latino. And I'm not Hispanic, because that word means 'history of Spain.' I've never been to Spain, and neither have my parents or my grandparents. I'm from Mexico. I'm Mexican. See how easy that is?"
As for me, my family is 90% Spaniard. If you want to argue semantics, *I* would be Hispanic, not them.
This is exactly what I heard from people at the employment office when they are having to declare ethnicity on various government forms. I think they are offended by the inaccurate categories they are being attached to. I agree that if one is from Mexico the word Mexican is right,
I am an Irish girl from Chicago and while I have heard the word Chicano, I have no idea what ethnic group it relates to. Someone from Chicago is a Chicagoan.
You make good points about all the contradictions in "rules" about what's politically correct and sensitive versus what's not. As a very short woman, people make comments to me ALL the time. It's totally insensitive but never perceived that way by the masses.
And that Oprah thing, was the Swiss guy stupid enough that he's never heard of Oprah? WHO hasn't heard of Oprah? Anyone who's heard of her knows she can afford a $38,000 handbag and the country in which it was made.
Be well, Cheryl.
This is a great one, Cheryl, and I love your wonderful drawings. Yeah that whole "in God we trust" thing and the hand on the bible does seem weird now that you've pointed it out. I think I make a reasonable effort not to offend people, but since you read my blog, you know I don't try all that hard. ;)
Pastafarian, that's fantastic! Does that mean they smoke pasta too? I agree with Keepin It Real about the ridiculousness of a $38000 handbag. We once went to a restaurant and decided to try the caviar which was listed as "Market Price." The waiter looked at us and informed of us of the market price. Apparently we looked like we couldn't afford it. I suppose I should have caused a stir and throttled him, but I was just glad he didn't serve it, then give me a heart attack when I got the bill later. Because he was right, we couldn't afford it.
I'd be on board with this except that the dogs days of summer aren't even in the same season as Indian summer, which is a warm spell that may or may not occur after autumn has officially begun. ::sigh::
I, too am short (ish) and people occasionally comment...although I think part of it in my case is 5'3" looks short next to a 6'5' husband. It doesn't bother me.
I wonder if Oprah was looking like Oprah or if the was somewhat disguised by how she was dressed...sometimes celebrities with hats, glasses etc. are hard to recognize. At any rate, the sales girl said in a statement that her comment wasn't because she thought Oprah couldn't afford the bag but she was just commenting that the bag was grossly overpriced. She inferred that Oprah was jumping to the conclusion that it was based on race.
I have no idea of the real story behind how she was treated but I also, don't know the purpose of making all the interviews about how she was treated. I get treated badly at Walmart all the time and I don't get on the news. Robyn, do you think I should make Walmart suffer by not shopping there? It might cause them financial ruin.
Have a great weekend!!
Thanks, Jayne!!! I actually don't set out to insult people as I think people are entitled to their own point of views but there seems to be a trend that people jump on every word or phrase looking for a fight. I welcome a discussion not an argument.
As far as your blog...good for you to state your opinions. I think open-minded people should want to hear other points of view. Isn't that what prompts discussion? So from here, I hope you don't try overly hard to not step on toes. Step away, my friend.
The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster just cracks me up. I would totally join if it wasn't an actual religious group. I don't want to have to really commit to anything.
I think it is horrible if a person really is sized up and judged by some perception of their monetary worth....doubly so if there is an insulting comment made. I once went into a Dallas furniture store and was snubbed by the was blatant obvious...and thought maybe I didn't look TX enough to get someone to help. (not enough big hair and shiny bling). I went elsewhere and spent a lot of money to furnish a new house. More than one furniture store in Dallas, luckily.
There is always going to be someone out there that judges people by some ridiculous standard. I would be less concerned about the snub if I were Oprah as she has more money than most. Doesn't that soothe the burn a bit.
Yes, let's call this extended hot period Kitty cat summer. It can run from mid-August through September. (part summer, part fall) All things "cat" for around 6 weeks while we wait for some nice cool weather to come along. I am ready.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Summer has been chilly here and I want September to be warm and comfortably dry. Winter is not my cup of snow. (I do love your cartoons though.)
Oh, but you misunderstand my talented-photo-taker friend...Kitty Cat Summer will be PUUUURRRFECT weather. Warm sunny days with not a cloud in the sky. When I say cooler that means less than 100. Oh, and cats don't like to get wet so it will only be nice soft showers at night to keep our lawns lush. In the mean time, if you have any extra moisture,please send it to the Heartland. We have been baking here in the heat with below normal precip for two years now. UGH!!
We have the freedom of speech within the confines of PC. It's a joke. And sure, we SHOULD be considerate, but not everyone is ALL the time, so we can't expect this as part of life We try to obtain it, but you can't force it on people. Respect is something you teach, not something you govern.
You have that right. There is no way to make laws that would keep people from being inconsiderate. We live in a world where everyone feels justified to say exactly what comes into their mind. Then we have those people that feel victimized for the silliest, pettiest little things. There is no winning the war of words.
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