So my ears perked up last week while I was listening to a report on The Today Show called "Mermaid Documentary Smells Fishy to Critics".
The topic being discuss was the brouhaha caused by a mock-umentary that had aired on the Animal Planet cable station.
Yes, I used the word mock-umentary because it is part of a growing trend of documentaries that appear "real" but are fabricated, fictional pieces meant to entertain. That was the topic up for debate. Animal Planet aired a program that seemed very real and purported that there is actual evidence that substantiates the existence of mermaids. The program, however, was a production that was created to be strictly for entertainment.There lies the rub... due to the documentary style of the program, it didn't appear as a work of science fiction. It appeared as if it was factual. In a statement to explain why the program appeared so believable (if one is willing to make the leap that there are mermaids) The Animal Planet's Executive Producer, Charley Foley said, " We wanted to approach the story with a sense of possibility and a sense of wonder. I think what he means is, he wanted you to run to Twitter and start tweeting "OMG, OMG, there is absolute proof that there are mermaids!!!! I just saw it on Animal Planet!!"
But that brings up the debate, if a program appears to be a legitimate educational based , a news report, or a researched documentary, should the public be advised when it is a science fiction creation meant to entertain.
On The Today Show segment, Josh Wolk, Editorial Director for asked the question "Should a documentary always report if it is fake? He goes on to answer his own question "Technically yes, but then again we are talking about a program about mermaids. I don't see how you could be fooled by this?"
Thought Number One: We Want to Believe
Last week the Animal Planet aired a follow-up to last years documentary "Mermaids; The Body Found". The sequel called "The New Evidence" attracted 3.6 MILLION viewers. The program topped all the previous programming done by the channel.
The show began with what appeared to be footage of a mermaid perched on a rock. Then, it contained an interview with a former NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientist that appeared to be willing to stake his career on insinuating that the government was part of a cover up scheme to deny the existence of mermaids".

To be fair the makers of the mock-umentary did put a disclosure at the end of the program that said that the show was science fiction based on "scientific theory". You might of missed it, though, if you blinked.
The added dimension that is unlike hoaxes in the past, (The 1938 War of the Worlds broadcast, for example) is that immediately after the show, a lively debate started up on Twitter.
Many viewers posted comments such as "See there really are mermaids!" or "Go ahead and tell me there aren't mermaids after watching that special." or "There are mermaids out there for sure!!!"
Thought Number Two: To Believe Or Not to Believe
So how gullible are we?? Pretty trusting, in some cases. You might remember in February the case where someone hacked into Great Falls, Montana's emergency alert system at KRTV-TV and sent out the message "dead bodies are rising from their graves".
The warning also told those watching to not try and apprehend the dangerous zombies, but to get to shelters and stay safe.
Of course, the station followed up with another announcement saying that there wasn't really a zombie outbreak and the emergency warning was not accurate.
If you would of heard an emergency alert...on something as far-fetched as zombies, would you consider the possibility that it was real because it was being reported from a television's alert system??? (Please, I am begging you to say no...that you wouldn't believe that zombies are loose.)
As for imaginary or mysterious creatures, there seems to be a number of these creatures that people may or
may not believe in. Big Foot, Loch Ness' monster, Zombies, Aliens,...just to name a few. Does it do any harm for people to believe in these things? Does it harm anyone if you believe that fairies live in your garden or that another fairy takes teeth from under your children's pillows and replaces it with money?
For the non-believers among there a line being crossed with
mockumentaries? ..... OR.... is this just a form of entertainment that is the equivalent to the Enquirer or the Star magazines?

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Funny, after reading your first couple of paragraphs I thought about War of the Worlds...I suppose it has always been a Twitterverse in one way or another, eh? Regarding the tooth fairy, would you believe my parents told us right up front that there was no Easter Bunny or Santa, but let me believe in the tooth fairy until fourth grade? I still find that weird!
I take it Darryl Hannah was not the star of the mockumentary?
No, and I am as shocked as you are. I don't know who played the part of the Mermaids (I have trouble with that phrase as there seems to be mer-men and mer-kids involved) but they seem so have an ocular condition of some sort. I should of had Crabby Pants say "My what big eyes you have!!"
That is really odd. Most folks cling to the Santa thing far longer than any other holiday "helper". In some ways, though, it is a very fiscally sound approach. Santa gifts cost big bucks, Easter baskets, PITA to put together and can be pricey...but that Tooth Fairy is pretty easy to pull off with a buck or two. (back when I was little a quarter would of done the trick.)
This reminds me of the Orson Wells rdio broadcast War of the Worlds, thought to be a true attack by thousands. I've heard that some people nearly committed suicide. I've seen this mermaid video and it's hard to believe that anyone believed it.
I thought the same thing. I was debating to insert comparisons to War of the World and The Blair Witch Project but as the theme is two was getting out of hand. I never tend to just have two thoughts about anything. I need to find a meme that is 20 thoughts for Tuesday.
I wouldn't be buying into it either but I think overall there is a huge number of those that buy into everything they hear or see.
Suggest they take this one step further and produce evidence of zombie mermaids. A line needs to be drawn somewhere. Maybe right through the producer's bank account. I do believe Nova produces good scientifically backed stuff but the other cable channels not so much. Sure there are sharks for shark week but the cable shows go over the line to be entertaining vs. educational. Shock and frightening instead science and thought provoking. We still can change the channel and in my case just drop cable TV all together.
Now do you remember that Mars rodent I posted in my blog? Next will Martian sand mermaids. Oh wait make that Martian sexy sand mermaids.
I agree with you, Wendy. Josh clearly isn't living in 2013 because people will believe next to anything now that is put out by the media. You bring up a really good point. Had this show been on the E channel or Sci-Fi channel, there wouldn't of even been a discussion but it was on a station that is supposed to inform and educate us about animals. (I am not sure that mermaids are in that category)
I think the appeal is the proving or disproving what people saw or think they saw. Same for Bigfoot or Nessie. As for the sailors of the past that claim to have seen mermaids...wonder what they had been drinking and how much. Another great point on your part...even if they got up close they couldn't do much now could they???
I think those lonesome sailors would be willing to grope mermaids scales and all. Also if you came back from a long voyage with an extra disease you could always blame it on a loose mermaid. I don't think these sailors were thinking Disney's little mermaid either.
I am sure zombie mermaids are being cast for a new cable show. You just can't have enough zombies or vampires it would seem. I don't tend to watch many of these types of shows and I try never to watch cable reality shows.
Speaking of the appeal for this type of programming and the ability to generate cash off of it...perhaps you should develop a program about Martian sexy sand mermaids. I don't think anyone has stolen your idea yet.
Danger Danger Will Robinson!
I sense some copyright infringement. When you write your new script for your Martian mermaid show stay away from that line.
I haven't seen said show, but considering that I know people who assure me that pro wrestling is real, and reality show fights aren't set up... Yeah, I can believe that they would fall for a mockumentary. And it also makes me think I have some unique friends...
Hmm, I keep pasting a $1 to my screen and nothing's happening, Cheryl. This is frustrating. I'm just trying to find out if I'm gullible. I reached for the sea weed too. But nothing happened. It's not my day. I do tend to fall prey to mockumentaries. I guess I am gullible. I'll just take those dollars back, since I answered my own question. Your post helped me get there. Thanks!
PS This was fun and amusing.
Of course there's no such thing as mermaids or zomb...wha.. zombies? I'm... I don't... what are you saying, Cheryl?
We always want to believe in imaginary things that seemingly make normal life more special. But as we grow up believing in the fairy tales and monsters under the bed seems to just fade out.
The mock-umentary is interesting in a human case study point though, if you present it well how many people will believe the imaginary?
Hi Cheryl,
Wait, you mean that was fake?? Here I've been telling everyone that there was proof of mermaids and our next sailing trip we were going to be looking or them ;)
It's funny how many people will believe anything when it's presented in a professional and "scientific" manner no matter how bogus the story....
I really enjoyed this post and you can probably guess what I think. It amazes me that in our greatest scientific era, people are willing to believe just about anything. Animal Planet showing Mermaids, the History Channel airing shows about ancient aliens, and too many believing anything they read or see on the internet. Sad.
I get a kick out of people that try to sell us the idea that pro-wrestling is real. And let's hope that those reality shows are staged because if real people act like that, it would just be sad. You and I must have some similar friends and yes, some of them are "unique".
Haha, I am so glad I helped resolved some issues for you. Too bad about not being able to grab onto the sea-weed. I really should figure out how to make my blog interactive. Something tells me my followers would pick up if that were the case.
Thanks for the nice comment!! I
I knew I was taking a chance on disappointing some people by pointing out that there aren't really mermaids or zombies. I considered typing **SPOILER ALERT** across the top but then thought better you find out now before you run into Bigfoot and he spills the beans.
Still...never say never..if you have a zombie can't hurt.
I think it is an interesting dynamic...people are so willing to believe in these fantasies but then are skeptics in more normal everyday life things. You make an interesting point..takes some of the routine and mundane out of their everyday life.
What??? there were ancient aliens?????
Just kidding...
I am constantly amazed by how things are touted as fact and people lap it up. No matter how outrageous or far-fetched. I guess that has always been the case though. However, the Internet and television fuel it faster and more widespread. Just think what the Salem Witch Trials would of looked like if the Today show had been around to whip up a frenzy. And there would of been reports on the Internet going "viral". (I am officially sick of the word viral.)
I truly believe in mermai......erm, I mean I truly believe that many people are totally fooled by these programmes. I haven't seen the one you're referring to, but I did see a little of a similar one on our TV last week. Mo was watching it. I can't remember what it was about now, but I knew instantly that it wasn't real. I too have to check things out myself before I will believe most things. It took Mo a little longer to realize and Mo is no fool. When I said it was fake, she said "But it's a documentary". That says it all really. We just don't expect a documentary to be fake. Well, we do now :)
Mockumentaries can be dangerous as there as to many the world ok that is not nice and I am nice so lets change idiots to gullible fools is that a nicer way of saying anyway these people will believe anything no matter how tongue in cheek something is being told to them................I do believe in aliens though I am sure there is life somewhere else in the universe I do not believe they come here to visit us because that is just stupid talk...............
I, too, always have to check things out before I decide how much of anything I am willing to believe. I think people that believe things at face value are more trusting. I guess that can be a really good thing that they have such faith in everyone or a bad thing if someone is trying to take advantage of them.
But you are absolutely right...when things are presented in a way that implies it is fact such as a documentary, it draws you into thinking it is factual.BUT... Things like zombies, mermaids and the like, I don't get why anyone would be thinking it is real.
Oh, I think it is fair to say that there are some idiots out there as well as some gullible fools. Still there are a lot of things that are unexplained. Perhaps there is life on other planets. Why would we believe we are the only planet in the universe that would support some type of life. I would believe that over the possible undead wanting to eat my brains in a zombie apocalypse. Some things just are stupid.
Yes, I draw the line at zombies and mermaids ha ha!
You know, people are so worried about Animal Planet showing things that are fake... but then I might ask, why are you trying to learn from your TV? Just look at The Learning Channel, which now features nothing but terrible reality shows like Sister Wives, My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, and 19 Kids and Counting. No one who is watching The Learning Channel is ever going to be "learning" anything. Or the Discovery Channel, which is just all dangerous grunt work jobs being glamorized. If you want to learn, read a book or take to Google. If you want mindless entertainment, just turn on your TV and watch "Axe Log Truckers."
I totally agree with you that no one should think that the crap they see on the tube is meant to educate them. (although it could be said that by watching anything Kar-trash-ian a person could learn to be a manipulate bitch)
I don't usually watch much in the way of reality shows...I did see a couple of the Big Fat Gypsy Wedding shows and it tramatized me. I didn't remember that that was on I am even more tramatized.
Oh my gosh!!!! The mermaid thing! My co-worker has told us ALL ABOUT the mermaids... very seriously.... and I just don't have the heart to tell him about a mockumentary!
Your co-workers sound a tad gullible. They would be a lot of fun to mess with.
"I think what he means is, he wanted you to run to Twitter and start tweeting "OMG, OMG, there is absolute proof that there are mermaids!!!! I just saw it on Animal Planet!!"
Well his plan worked - because I saw THAT exact update all over Facebook & Twitter.
"So how gullible are we?? Pretty trusting, in some cases." - Yes, indeed.
"Is there a line being crossed with mockumentaries? ..... OR.... is this just a form of entertainment that is the equivalent to the Enquirer or the Star magazines?"
I do believe there IS a line being crossed.
That's what I find so interesting. People take this as absolute truth then pass it along on social media which others read and think is absolute proof. gullible.
My MIL used to read things in the Enquirer and believe it hook, line and sinker. I suspect there are plenty of people that are just like that. It doesn't help when cable channels are packaging all this crud like it is investigative reporting. I, also think that is crossing a line...unless they make it clear that the program is just for entertainment and not factual.
My gramma Ev was like that too with gossip rag magazines and she was obsessed with celebrities. But it used to crack me the hell up.
"I, also think that is crossing a line...unless they make it clear that the program is just for entertainment and not factual." - EXACTLY.
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