Every Tuesday a group of really talented bloggers are given an assignment over at BlogDumps to write about a certain topic and today that topic is supposed to be a Easter Memory. I have been racking my brain as to a particular Easter that would stand out among the many. HHHHMMMM
Nope, nothing in particular.
A couple of thoughts do come to mind though.
The first one being that my memory moved out about the same time the kids did. That would be in 1991 and 1993 respectively. This could be the reason for not being able to recall a particular event that would be the kind of Easter event that Lifetime Movies or Hallmark Cards would want to incorporate into one of their products.
My second thought is that our Easters, while being pretty uneventful over the years, have transitioned somewhat in how we celebrate them.
Our family Easter tradition timeline
Teenaged wedded bliss equals too poor to do much of anything but always had a nice dinner.
Young married couple with babies too tired to do much past going to church in the morning and having a nice dinner.
Young couple with young children having fun with the Easter Bunny and egg hunts, going to church and eating a nice dinner.
Not quite as young couple with teenagers that begrudge the day of not hanging with their friends but still we went to church and had a big dinner.
Really not so young couple with college students coming home for Spring Break, going to church and eating a big dinner.
Older couple participating in the lives of their grown children who are young and having fun with their little ones with the Easter Bunny and egg hunts, going to church and eating a nice dinner.
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While our Easters remain very uneventful in the real sense of the word they are special in the sense that for 40 years our little foursome that has grown into way more than four...still enjoys the mundane act of just hanging out, going to church and eating a big dinner.
We may be dull but we are consistent.
The cat seems to be getting in on the action, though.
The good for the day...hubby is home from a very long business trip and can enjoy just lazing around through Easter.
The Bad for the Day... The weather is really sucky here today. DREARY, DRIZZLY and DAMP
The Weird for the Day...

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Sounds wonderful, there is nothing better than time spent with family. It is the best!
I love the cat so cool. How did you get him to put that on all by himself? He looks just like my sons fist cat that lived for 15 years. He was a marvelous cat too!
Here's your click ..........
Love and Blessings,
Oh when I read the part about being too tired to do anything past going to church and eating, I could totally relate to that! Kids, though such sweethearts, can take a lot of our energy! Trying to keep them from acting either too sleepy or too wired at church is hard enough! LOL!
I still haven't planned what our family is going to do this week-end, but I think just to be around the company of each other and our other family close by is going to be good enough. Enjoy yours, Cheryl!
Hi AngelBaby, I had my husband fooled about the cat, too. It looks identical to our Carmen but I found it on the internet. Our Carment wouldn't be such a good sport about putting anything over her head. Those Blue Russians are a sweet breed though.
Hi Liggy,
Isn't that the truth about the work required with younger kids.
We are having a really laid back holiday. Those are my favorite.
Hope you and your family have a nice holiday as well.
I can see who the talented one is!
So the way I read this is, I get to loose my mind when this last one moves out! That is totally awesome, I am ready for sure!
I like the time line. well said.
Glad to hear the Hubby gets some nice time off for the holiday
Clicks for you,
No you won't lose your mind. You have to retain your faculties so they don't put you in a home of some sort. Just your memory gets fuzzy. That is so you only remember the cute fun things and not about how much money it took to get them grown and educated. That knowledge would cause you a major heart attack. You have heard of selective hearing, this is selective thinking.
That's what it's all about, right? Holidays with family, lazing about, eating, enjoying one another's company. I always loved celebrating Easter. Still do. We used to make hats every year... sometimes quite elaborate and silly bonnets. And getting together on Good Friday to get it all started was great fun. Over the years, Easter's become a bit quieter. Which is a good thing - makes it easier to get to church! ;)
I love your weird for the day! So funny!
The holidays do change as we get older, I'm thinking we are going to enjoy a nice quiet weekend... and a bit of church :)
Happy Easter!
Hi Jayne, Yes, I do like the slower pace of holidays as our family has aged. Of course, it is coming full circle with a new crop of little ones. (it will get busier again)
I miss the era of women wearing Easter hats. We don't see that in this part of the country. (I am not sure if that is regional)
Happy Easter to you and your family.
Hi Trina,
That is our plan also. Quiet weekend with our kids but nothing really planned except church and eating. We are such creatures of habit.
Happy Easter!!!
You hardly resorted to just posting the cat (is that your cat? looks really ticked about those ears). There is a great deal to e said for boring and consistent.
Clicks, Bud
No, neither of those cats are my cats. The grey one putting on the hat is an exact duplicate which has our family members confused as to how I got Carmen to do that. My cats would have had nothing to do with Bunny head gear.
Hope you and your family have a great Easter, Bud.
Oh geez...I am so far behind on reading all my blogs this week. Miss me? *snort*
Well I would have to agree with you, there isn't any standout memories that I have of Easter either. Mine was wake up, find the eggs and candy, eat breakfast, leave for Grandma and Grandpas for more food. That pretty much covers every Easter I had growing up. I don't celebrate it, so it's just another day in this house. =)
Yeah, I am with you. Very routine for the most part. Slightly more interesting now that one grandchild is old enough to get into the festivities. I was over at your blog visiting today. So your going on a business trip. Hope it's someplace where you can work in a little fun. Have a good trip. Did you find a guest post?
Yeah...business trip...blech! =-p
The husband is threatening to drag me all over to different sights while we are there, so I will be attached to my camera as much as my computer while I'm there. =)
I have one guest post in already...if you would like to throw one together and send it over I'd be happy to take it! =)
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