While I am no longer MTV's desired demographic....well...to be honest, I am at the age I am no one's desired demographic unless maybe someone who trying to sell long-term health care insurance....but still, I watched the mayhem in hopes that there would be a musical act or two worth seeing. I actually, enjoy some popular music so I gave it a shot. It turned out that it was a shot that missed the target...by a mile.
I now, have come to the realization that if you really want to feel OLD, the quickest, most efficient way, is just watch anything dealing with pop music. I am relatively sure that I can feel my vital organs fossilizing at I type.
It wasn't always like that, There was a time way back when in 1981 when I was considered to be in the appropriate demographic for MTV. When they launched in August of that year, they said they were marketing to adolescents through young adults. As luck would have it, I was a young adult then...depending on what one considers young.
As if I wasn't already feeling like I crossed some invisible line into old-fogyism thanks to a number of things I saw on the VMA show, I had the added bonus of reading about a new poll that just came out that says that the average age a person starts morphing into the behavior of their parents is 32. Coincidently, that would be pretty close to the age I was when MTV started. SOOO...it would seem that I started turning into an old bitty just in the nick of time.
Thought Number One: Out of Touch
Well...I obviously made promises that I couldn't keep..... because here I am so out of touch, without so much as an inkling of understanding about anything dealing with popular music videos or the people associated with them.
If Crabby Pants and I would of gone to Brooklyn to join in the fun, we might of come across less than cool.
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The VMA dress code is to go "light" on the dress. |
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OR maybe the rule is to cover everything up in a bizarre kind of way. |
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Were we supposed to wear animal costumes and show our panties? |
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Or maybe just be an animal. |
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What is Beetlejuice doing at the VMAs??? |
Thought Number Two: I am now going to embrace being the antiquated relic that I am.
Yep, for all the promises to my young-self to stay current and cool....I couldn't of imagined that crotch grabbing would be trendy. I didn't see that coming.

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I'm pretty sure Miley is the only one who actually got aroused by that performance.
Is that what she was going for??? To be alluring in some manner??? I figured she was having some kind of bizarre episode that was forcing her foam finger to seek out genitalia. I was lost on all of it.
All I can say is that I used to like Miley Cyrus...
"What is Beetlejuice doing at the VMAs?" Hahahahahahaha -- best line I've read this morning! And if I were Miley Cyrus, I'd go see a doctor about that sickly discoloured tongue. A healthy tongue is pink but that one just looks diseased.
Yeah, back in the day she seemed to be a sweet kid. I don't understand her need to distance herself from her Disneyesque persona. What's wrong with being thought of as a nice girl?
You know...now that I look at those pictures, I see your point. Where has that tongue been??? (never mind....I don't want to know.)
I did NOT watch the VMAS and I'm glad I didn't - in fact - I stopped watching MTV when they stopped airing music videos and focused on producing weirdo TV shows instead - including reality programs.
And also, I had to ask my 17 year old son WTF "twerking" meant.
So, even though I am 38 years old - I am JUST as Out Of Touch with pop-culture as you are!
PS: I love your graphics with Crabby Pants & Miley!
I didn't watch the VMAS. Such a shame. I was busy choreographing my sunrise granola dance. It keeps me regular;) Oh...too much information? I would think by now your mind is branded with smut and such from the VMAS and other modern broadcastings. Do your self a favor. Don't touch;) Being in touch is so over rated.
Love you girl!
Technically, I did quit watching MTV but when DVRs came into play, I now tape programs that might include a freak show. That way I can hone in on just the weird parts. I notice that none of the You Tube videos do Miley and Robin's rubby-dub-dub dance justice, compared to the actual show's screen shots. I always hate hearing about things the next day on the news and not knowing who did what. I am sort of glad I watched it because Katy Perry closed the show and she looked subdued compared to the rest. Her performance was actually pretty fun.
You have a real advantage having Justin around. If someone is in the news for doing something brazenly offensive, lewd or crazy, (at least among younger performers) the you can say "Who is [insert celebrity name] and he will probably know who that person is.
When it comes to contemporary music I'm about as informed as a pelt-wearing neanderthal stoking a fire at the entrance to my cave.
Haha...no you never could be accused of TMI. Yes, you would think my brain is tainted from all the assorted garbage that I take in any given day...especially from watching the national news but I am a glutton for punishment. Everyday is a new adventure in how the young get younger and I get older. For example...just yesterday, I heard on a news program...YES a NEWS program that people over forty use the slang Cray-cray when describing crazy, people under forty just say cray. I say neither and usually use the term idiot. Seems I am in a league of my own in my level of "uncoolness."
Ahhh but those would have been simpler times. Well...maybe not from the hunting and gathering part but in a lot of other ways. Wonder if Neanderthal parents worried about how strange their kids were?
As far as music...I like a lot of the contemporary music. I think I might be better off not seeing the performer though. Whatever our parents said about hip huggers and bell bottoms...they owe us an apology. We looked like prudes in comparison to the outfits worn at the VMAs.
Oh definitely. Justin keeps me informed of all things hip and new because I usually don't have a clue!
I bet AARP has you on their radar. I am. Yes, Beetlejuice, great movie, is what he looks like. The prisoner outfit of old (new ones are just orange right?) have the stripes going horizontally. MTV - that could be another post idea. Like many cable channels it morphed into reality TV which in reality, just sucks. Most of the audience today probably does not know what "I want my MTV" relates to.
Yes, Robin Thicke's outfit sure looks like he got it as a hand-me-down from Michael Keaton.
Most prisons, I suspect have gone to solid coveralls but in Texas (at least the part of Dallas we lived in) still used the black and white stripes. They also still used prisoners to do labor around town.
As soon as the reality shows started on MTV, I quit watching. for the most part. I am sure you are right. The younger MTV watchers would be more likely to think about the Real World or The Jersey Shore.
I am now going to embrace being the antiquated relic that I am.
I was a 21 year-old Marine when MTV started. I used to like to watch Eric Clapton who was a real musician.
Today's MTV stands for Muted Television.
I too we stunned by the aftershock on social networking following her performance! I guess I'm behind the times too.
I can't really remember watching MTV for a really long time. It's not what it once was, when I was a kid. Such a shame too.
Hi Cheryl,
If what I saw pictures of is where were are going, I'm glad to be behind the times!
Clicks for you!
I really think you should be syndicated! Your columns remind me of Dave Barry, but with an edge (and girl wisdom.) Seriously, if wearing a horny mouse leotard or geometrical white box make people cool, I'm happy to be non-trendy. (Your line about health insurance cracked me up, btw.)
I suspect I am your senior reader so I get the VMA awards even less than you do. You know, if it was sexy or provocative, it would be one thing. But the whole routine is awkward, ugly and, yes, Crabby Pants, stupid. Sorry. The way I see it, people who have real talent don't have to do this kind of crap. Am I sounding ancient enough yet?
I was 29 when MTV was launched and I agree with you. In the early days it was a way to keep up with current musicians that could actually play/sing music.
Muted TV.... that is good in this case.
I doubt that you are behind the times. You seem to be very astute to what the trends are. I think the quality of TV programming, in general, has declined for the most part. People got more interested in seeing the shenanigans of people like Puck on the Real World and less interested in seeing artists launch videos such as when Michael Jackson aired the "Thriller" video on MTV.
There are days that I feel like a dinosaur. Unfortunately there are entire age groups that consider me one as well. It's rough getting older in a culture that reveres youth. The good news, I guess, is that there are so many of us baby boomers out there, we can all be old fogeys together.
Riot Kitty, you are so sweet. That made my morning.
Just think of how interesting it would be if everyone wore outrageous costumes every day so people would notice them. Now that I think about it that would explain some of what I see at the Walmart.
I guess, I should get off the Internet and go design some costumes for me to wear. Feel free to send suggestions.
I don't think you sound ancient at all. OR I am ancient as well...that could be it. I was talking to my son last night on the phone (who is in his 30s) and he said exactly the same thing. "If they had real talent, they wouldn't have to rely on these shock tactics to get our attention." Crabby Pants likes the word "stupid" in relationship to the antics of Miley. It was bizarre and....yes...you are right...it was ugly.
Positively absolutely love the commentary with these pictures. Clever artist you are Cheryl, contrasting the styles. I have never watched MTV. I have always been an ancient relic, from the age of oh, about 6. I played violin for goodness sake! Seriously, I do enjoy music with a beat, but with life affirming decent lyrics minus 'sluttish' ideas. I only heard about this 'scene' , but something was obviously repulsive from everyone's comments. Thankfully, I have been out of the loop for trendy since that blessed young age of 10 when I had to get glasses to reinforced my already nerdy academic persona . I gave up on being trendy right then. I find some of the social media comments so encouraging because most everyone is rather disgusted with Miley and asking- why? What on earth was she thinking? But, the BEST commentary I read: Pope Francis said that God loves every person, even Miley Cyrus! No mention of Lady Gaga, poor girl must be so disappointed, she even dressed as a nun.
I used to love MTV when it was ABOUT THE MUSIC. But then it turned into some reality b.s. and I stopped watching. The music videos were creative and fun, but then, back "then" the music was as well. Music now, ehhh...
Hey I enjoyed this post so much, I gave it a shout-out in my latest post.
(actually I did enjoy your post but as a blogger you know other bloggers will stoop to shout-out links to entice a visit or two.)
I don't even think *I'M* their demographic anymore and I'm still in my 20s. How scary is that? And sadly for Miley Cyrus, I think she got exactly what she wanted: controversy that people won't stop talking about. It doesn't matter that the performance was horrible or that she can't dance to save her life. All that matters is people talk about it. Any publicity is good publicity when you're a celebrity. Ugh.
Why thank you, Wendy. You are always so kind.
I think you and I would have so much in common in real life. I was an "old soul" even at six as well. I preferred reading to tea parties and tended to be very serious about things. I consider your ability to play the violin as a wonderful blessing.
You never having watched MTV is probably a blessing as well....or at least the MTV that has been around for the last decade or so. It ranks right up there with all the other really bad reality TV.
Funny commentary coming from the Pope. Personally, I think he should of said "God loves every person, even Miley Cyrus but he so disappointed in her."
As for the Gaga oversight...he's probably still in shock that a nice little Catholic girl that attended a private Catholic all-girl high school stripped down to nearly nothing on TV. After seeing her wearing 3 clam shells to cover up her lady parts, he is thinking about the acts of contrition that she needs to do.
I, also, quit watching when it became less about music and more about shows like the Real World. B.S pretty much sums it up. Will any of the music that is produced today become iconic???? I wouldn't think most of it will be remembered two years from now.
Thank you for the shout out!!! I appreciate links from blogger friends.I have found some of my favorite blogs through links. With hundreds of thousands of blog out there it is hard to zero in a new ones...a little nudge from someone is always appreciated.
I can't quite figure out who is MTV's demographic at this point. I would of said 13 year old girls if I was just thinking about One Direction but then I can't really think of an appropriate audience for the bumping and grinding Miley.
You are right, of course, This whole act of Miley's is too get people talking...which she accomplished. Rather sad that anyone would WANT to prompt conversations about one's self that contain words like nightmare and horrific.
No, you're in a level of your own with coolness. I say fricken idiot;)
haha...sometimes the singular word "idiot" just needs a fricken attached.
LOL. Proudly, I haven't watched her performance. That girl defines "repulsive." But I bet her concert earnings are going to soar higher than ever. That's repulsive too. I'm with you in the "old ladies' club." Bring back Barry Manilow and chastity belts. Or am I being redundant? Oh, that's not nice. I love Barry, and I'll go ahead and admit it, though it'd be nice if he created a new song every three decades or so.
Happy Friday, Cheryl.
Luckily I didn't see this fine show, and the dancing bear's thoughts are dead on! I'm surprised they still have a VMA show. Bands still make videos? And where do you find them? And is that Lady Gaga or Lady Gumby?
[ leans back in chair, plugs in earphones to listen to the Beatles ]
That was totally disgusting. I can only imagine what her father is thinking about that performance. Sad...
I actually hadn't seen it yet, so I'm even more out of touch than you. Unfortunately I just youtubed it. I literally shuddered.
There is just nothing sexy about a girl who looks like she's 12 years old, romping around in a fuzzy costume with what looks like a PullUp or Pampers on her bottom. Gross!
I was 18 when MTV started and loved every minute of it. i even watched The Real World for years. I finally gave up when those teen pregnancy shows started. It doesn't take much talent to get pregnant.
I find the fact that the more repulsive the behavior is, the more it pays off monetarily.... as least as far as the entertainment industry goes. That doesn't seem like the way it should be.
Funny line about being redundant. At least Barry didn't have to resort to the antics that some of the so-called musicians resort to today. He could of lived a comfortable life just on the songs he wrote for other entertainers, so maybe he wasn't as desperate.
Have a great Labor Day weekend, Robyn.
That is so funny you mentioned Gumby. When I was doing that graphic, I was tempted to insert Gumby and have him saying something about Gaga stealing some of his wardrobe.
I am not sure about how many entertainers make videos any more as I never watch any of the music cable channels. I only record the VMAs as I know it is always a freak show.
Overall, I think I am past wanting to see what videos might look like today. Probably ignorance is a blessing in this case.
Billy Ray made a statement after the show and said that he supports her and that show business is a circus...which I took to mean that he feels that this behavior is a career move on her part....strictly show business, if you will.
Maybe that is the case but there needs to be some lines that people aren't willing to cross.
I agree, it's sad.
I am not surprised you shuddered. I was caught between disgust and disbelief. It was so over the top it was nearly cartoonish.
That's a good comparison. The minute she walked out in that get up, I thought it looked odd. Kind of like a Depends undergarment.
Yes, I too, watched in the early years. The videos were pretty inventive and it was a neat change to be able to see the artists. By the time MTV turned into a non-stop reality show, I lost interest.
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