You know that I always like to participate in Two Thoughts for Tuesday with the Blogdumps crew and had every intention of having time yesterday to at least get started BUT as I managed to have both my flight out of Frankfurt, Germany delayed and the flight out of Houston to Kansas City delayed as well....consider this post a little blurb to let you know that I am alive and well. One (meaning YOU) really can't expect a lot of quality and superior content when it is coming from a jet-lagged, caffeine deprived, ME after getting home around 3 AM this morning.
Over the next few weeks, I will try to find time to tell you about some of the more interesting parts of my trip. Obviously, the very best part was seeing my husband. He is coming home for Christmas so, I get to see him again in just a couple of weeks.
Anywho....back to the issue at hand. Two Thoughts????
Thought Number One: Some Airports are Easier than Others
In the past, when we went overseas we went through Amsterdam or Munich. This time I went through Frankfurt both coming and going and I thought it was a thoroughly confusing airport as far as getting to the terminal. Once inside the building not bad at all but, frankly the odds of you finding your way to a parking garage are so remote that you might, in fact, never get to see the inside of the terminal. Well...unless you are willing to jump out of a moving car and run for the entrance. I wasn't willing or able to try that method as my big ole suitcase wouldn't of made the jump. Next best method is to pull into the rental return lot of the same company as your rental car is from and beg for mercy. The Enterprise people didn't seem to find it surprising that we couldn't find the parking garage and were very nice to help us figure out the "how to get to "point A from Point B."
Of course, it could be said that IF a person could read German signs, this problem of not locating the entrance of the parking garage might of been somewhat easier. As I don't read German signs, it is a miracle that I managed to get back to Kansas City at all. of 3:00 AM, I am back home. YAY!!!!
Thought Number Two: Are Vacations Worth the Price You Pay When You Return?
So here I am trying to think of "two" thoughts while actually I am thinking hundreds of thoughts of all that needs to get accomplished now that I am back. I am very behind in all things...mail, news (did anything of interest happen in the U.S in the last couple of weeks???) , blogging, reading, correspondence, returning emails and returning phone calls...and the list goes on.
So my friends, I will try to get caught up and get back posting on a more consistent schedule. AND to my blogging friends, I will see you over at your blogs soon.

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Sometimes the best part of travel is coming home. Glad you're back safe and sound.
No doubt you had a wonderful time in Germany! Glad you're back safely.
Back at 3 AM? Yikes. That doesn't even count the time wasted going through customs and holy buhjeez the treacherous drive home fighting off sleep.
Hahaha, God I love those pics!
Glad you made it home safe! Hope you really enjoyed your trip, although the coming back bit was pretty bad!
Hi Cheryl,
Traveling can be difficult, especially this time of the year with the holidays and the weather. I'm glad you're home safe and sound!
Thanks, Chatterbox. I was tempted to stay a bit longer but I have plenty needing to be done here in KC before the holidays. Plus I was craving some iced tea and being able to converse without playing Charades.
Thanks babs. I did have a great time but visiting the UK is easier. Not speaking the language is a bit of a challenge.
I grabbed a little sleep on the plane but it's times like that, that I wish I lived closer to the airport. I live almost an hour away from the Kansas City airport. I should of stayed awake on the plane and opened up my computer. I am seriously behind reading everyone's posts. just made me so happy. I like doing my pictures and always hope someone is enjoying them.
Welcome home!
Thank you Trina. Normally, I would say I hate delays but thank goodness the flight from Houston to KC was delayed or it would of been long gone by the time I arrived from Frankfurt and got through customs. There's a lot that annoys me of the circus that is security these days.
Thanks Wolf. Yes, safe and sound and happy to be back among the English speaking. was great fun.
Thanks, Debra. Now to get caught up with everything is my challenge for the next few days.
If possible I would rather not travel in winter. I always found (maybe other nationalities do too - I hope) when I traveled internationally that getting back on American soil made me feel a little more patriotic.
That is quite the post under the duress of travel. Illustrations and all. Welcome home. It's good to have you back.
I would agree for the most part about winter not being the ideal time to travel. But...I really enjoyed seeing all the Christmas Markets. I had never gone to Europe this time of year before so it was really interesting. As you say though the weather can be not ideal and weather delays are likely to happen.
I agree there is something about coming back into the US that is a sense of gratitude and pride in our country....and as I am a bit irritated with some US issues right now, our country still comes off looking pretty nice in comparison to other places.
I'm looking forward to reading more about your trip. Happy you spent time with your husband and awesome news that he will be coming home soon too!
I've often said, "I need a vacation from the vacation" when we return from one. Lol.
Glad you made it back safe and sorta sound. :)
Looking forward to hearing about the trip! And you know, I think all the stress you blow off when you take a long trip is immediately returned to you when you come back, knowing how far behind you are on e-mails, work, blogging, etc, and need to play catch up. There's really no "getting ahead" with this one.
LOVE Love Love the pic and line with the red wagon with all the German memorabilia, And oh, isn't Crabby Pants' pants so 'adorable'.
Don't they just fit her personality to a 't'?
I laughed out !
So, Cheryl, in that big ole suitcase, how did you forget to bring your ruby glass slippers? You could have hugged Crabby Pants tight, clicked your heels three times, closed your eyes and said , there's no place like home. "
Ta DA. Back in Kansas, safe and sound..
Welcome home, Cheryl!
Welcome home!! I've missed you!!
I hate traveling - and I especially hate traveling and getting lost - like not being able to find the entrance of the parking garage!
Hahha...yes, when discussing anything dealing with me..."sound" is subjective.
I am sure you won't have any problems. Hawaii is an English speaking state and their airport is small. It's not being able to read any of the directional signs because they are in another language that makes European airports a pain.
The one disadvantage for you is that you will have to go through customs as you aren't a U.S. citizen.
Amen! I am 100 percent in agreement. For all the fun of being away and seeing fun new things, it bites you in the ass on the flip side. I haven't made my way through all the mail yet....let alone the blogging reads and writes. I am hopeful that this weekend allows for some makeup time.
Thank you, Wendy! It is good to be back among the English speaking.
Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing is there were ruby slippers where a person could teletransport through space to be somewhere in an instant? I don't really mind the long flights but the hoopla at the airport I could live without. Just think...if I had ruby slippers, you and I could have tea tomorrow.
It is getting scary that I have a strong sense of what Crabby Pants' personality would be like if she were real. Oh but wait...she is real isn't she? are such a sweet friend! I waver back and forth as to liking or hating traveling. It's fun to see new places and meet interesting people but I, too hate being lost and super hate not being able to communicate. we're both off to look for those ruby slippers. Calvin,( in the cartoon Calvin and Hobbes, did I really need to clarify that?) made a teletransporter...but it only worked for him. My son is a physicist (say THAT fast!) and has still yet to create one. Sigh.
What do you mean, If she is real? illusion shattering at this time of year, Cheryl. ;)
I am counting on your dear boy to make it happen. I am not surprised that your child would be smart.
I felt guilty even as I wrote it, Wendy. Of course she is real.
Glad you made it back! This is better than I do when NOT sleep-deprived...I hate traveling to and from, but the trip itself is usually worth it.
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Thank you, RK. I totally agree with the traveling to and from can be frustrating but the time spent at the destination usually makes it all worth while. This trip was super fun so it was definitely worth it.
Can't wait to read about your trip!! I know what you mean about the millions of thought and jetlag... I always like to take a few days off after I travel... sort of a vacation from the vacation, as it were. Hope you and the mister had fun, though!
Thanks Nicky....yes, I had great fun so it was totally worth the hell I am in now trying to dig my way through the mail and getting ready for Christmas. I wise person would of taken care of some of the pre-Christmas stuff prior to the trip. I am not a wise person "sigh".
YEP! Exactly!
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I for one am thrilled that you got to see your husband and all the touring of places in Germany and Neatherlands. Ill bet he was extremely glad to see you. I hear Germany can be cold this time of year, and wet.I also hear that GPS in the cars sometimes have minds of their own. Welcome home
Welcome back Cheryl! Can hardly wait to hear about your trip. (Aren't airports awful?!! The bigger they get, the worse they are). Love your pictures!
Glad you made it back. I let my wife guide us through the Atlanta airport the first time we were there. She managed to find the only dead end in the whole place.
Sky Harbor here in Phoenix seems really easy to me, or am I just used to it.
Thank you, Susan. I hope to find the time to post some this week. Crazy huh? The week before Christmas and I am thinking I will make time to post. (or not) I agree the bigger the airport the bigger the nightmare of getting where you need to be.
I bet there is more than one dead end in that monstrosity. I have been through there a few times and remember trying to get from one end to another to catch my connecting flight.
I agree with you about Sky Harbor...pretty easy to figure out.
Glad you are feeling better. Good for you to be working on reducing the blood pressure. Scary stuff. Totally understand the not easy part..especially this time of year. I have every confidence in you that you can do it, though. If you need any morale support email me directly.
I find that the hardest part about vacations is the "arriving home" factor. But I'm glad you're home safe and sound. Hopefully by now you are also well caffeinated.
Welcome home, Cheryl.
Oh yeah...I had hardly landed in the U.S. before I was on the hunt of an iced tea. Actually...for anything iced. I don't do well in countries that don't use ice cubes.
Is it only a week until Christmas? YIKES! I still have tons of shopping to do......baking......wrapping.......and unlike you, I haven't even been away! Good luck in catching up with the season!
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