Back to the subject....he sent me a challenge that I can participate in if I choose to. Here are the rules. Only two...that shouldn't be hard...should it?
1. The blogger who is nominated must publish 7 links of his/her own blog for the categories below. (1 link per category)
2. The blogger then nominates 5-7 bloggers to take part, and it (hopefully) goes on.
For you bloggers out there that are grabbing a brown paper sack to either breath into or vomit because your mind is screaming out "Please, dear God, don't let her pick me." I understand these can be extra work but this one is A. not so work intensive and B. If you don't want to participate I won't put an evil hex on you and your future generations.
So as far as my posts, this may be difficult. These categories suggest that I have posted some substantive articles. Beautiful??? Controversial?? Helpful...really, I am pretty sure none of those apply.
1. Most Beautiful Post...perhaps I could call the Taking to the Trails post as my most beautiful. I don't mean it is beautiful in the "sentimental, heartwarming" way but more the "aren't walking trails pretty?" kind of way.
2. Most Popular Post - my most popular post was one that I did last April called Last Chance Deductions, Maybe or Maybe Not. Hopefully, no one was relying on my advice to finish their tax returns. I suspect it's popularity was because of idiots waiting until April 15th had Googled the words "tax deductions". Poor, babies didn't get any help from me.

4. Most Helpful Post is Idiots Using Smart Phones. I guess that would depend if anyone took away the point that texting or sexting isn't a great idea when driving. This is also, one of the posts that I saw other people post remnants of as their own. I always find it interesting that people would need to steal anything from me. If they can't be at least as imaginative as me, they aren't trying very hard. Perhaps they need to text me when they are driving to work and I can give them some ideas.
5. Most Surprising Successful Post was FBI Lulled To Sleep. This post was a result of me coming back from being fingerprinted and having a background check done for Missouri to renew my real estate license. The fact that this was a rant on my part because I was finding the process stupid, inept freakin' waste of time, bureaucratic and poorly executed.

7. Post that I am Most Proud Of---This is tough one. I can't think that of any post that I am particularly proud of. Some of them took more research than others but none of them were ever meant to impart wisdom to last through the ages. The Drug of Choice might be one of those that I can say took some serious effort. I had to research a realistic drug name for my pretend pill. Then I had to track down a toll free number that actually spelled out something and not already be in use. 1-866-723-4968 or "1-Too Sad 4 You" could be a real toll free number but at the time I did this post is wasn't assigned to anyone.
So here are my picks for 5 bloggers that I love to read. There really are a lot that I enjoy but for today, I am going to pick on...oops..I mean pick. Really, for you five play if you want or not. I know you are busy.
1.Kimberly at The Wyatt Zoo
Kimberly has the cutest of families...truly...cutest. She writes the sweetest stories of how they live their life and this is what good parenting looks like. Her stories are always fun and interesting.
2. June at The Neurosis Files
Let's just cut to the chase, here. June is a riot. Super funny and has the knack for taking any subject and making it hysterical. She just redesigned her website and it is very cool.
3. Aleta at Fleur de Aleta
Aleta is a true southerner that writes about her life and interest. I love that she is such a good fellow blogger and weighs in with comments. AND her comments are always insightful, smart, clever and kind.
4. Anne Dickens at Anne Dickens: The Day After Yesterday
Anne Dickens not only has the most beautiful little girl but she also has the cutest dog that she refers to as Naughty George. I prefer to think of him as Darling George. Anne lives in Oxfordshire, England which makes her life seems more interesting than most. She always has loads of great photos that has me wanting to jump on a plane and go see the glorious sights that surround her. The other thing about Anne, she is perhaps the kindest, most helpful of all humans on earth. Not only in the blogosphere but if you follow her posts she is forever doing for others.
5. Madge at I-Madge-Ine The Twaddle
Madge is the uber-commenter. If I were picking a select group to have read my blog she would be on the short list. I love her ability to converse via the Internet in a way that I know her and I would be the best of friends if we lived next door to each other. I say that without a doubt. Her blog has such variety. AND always entertaining.
6. Nicky and Mike at We Work for Cheese
These two should be paid by me for teaching me some things about Canada. Very interesting blog which continues to tell me all kinds of things I didn't know. I didn't even know that I didn't know some of this.
Plus they also, are great commenters and I appreciate their points of view.
So consider yourselves challenged but really, my friends, if you don't want to participate, just take it as a "high five" from me to you, that I really enjoy you as friends and writers. I can't tell you how much entertainment I get from reading your blogs. You can carry the burden as to why my house isn't as clean as it used to be.
I'll totally play thanks for the nod. And I think you're right we would totally be besties if we lived closer!!!
I;m really enjoying your blog, as well as your nominees. I'll be following... :-)
You are so sweet! Seriously, "this is what good parenting looks like"- that's definitely a stretch, but it's also one of the kindest things anyone has ever said about me! I'll definitely play along tomorrow! I feel so honored to have been chosen. And I can't wait to go back through your selections!
Ahhhh, so now I understand the comment you left me! I was in a panic thinking you had mentioned me and I didn't acknowledge it! Thank you for including us and for those nice things you said about us. The check is in the mail. :-)
Yay. I am glad you decided to play along. I am going to check out all 7 links. xoxo
What a great sport you are!! You are the best blog friend ever!!!
Thank you!
Shame on Disqus, it had you in the spam folder and I just discovered your comment. You are always so nice Orea. Thanks for following. I appreciate you.
Oh, and I checked out those posts of yours that I hadn't read before (now that I'm feeling a little more myself. Cough.) You have every reason to be proud of Drug of Choice. Hysterical!!
Thanks for the kudos, Cheryl! Thankfully, Nicky's picking up the slack so I don't have to dredge up any of my old posts! (although hers are way better than mine)
When I'm not working so much (which is always these days), I'll be checking back in to read up on your picks.
Nicky did WWFC proud with her recap of some of the previous posts. It would have been unfair to make you both go back and do posts.
I am actually envious that you are so busy working. My real estate career is in the toilet. I really need to just pull the plug and find a "real" job.
Oh darn, I had responded and it didn't show I will try this again. I think your family is adorable and your pictures are wonderful. I am such a fan of your site.
Oh, the grass is always greener ;) I do enjoy my job but I'm in a period of being seriously overworked. Its mostly of my own doing though, so I can't complain too much (but I will).
Bloody hell Cheryl - that was really cool of you to pick me as one of your five - I feel honoured [blush]!
And now I shall have to catch up reading your list of posts - excellent!!
You are always on my short list of the best bloggers. I know you are always busy and some of these memes/awards are time sucks so never feel that you have to participate. I just have to include you when asked who my faves are.
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