Did you think I forgot to do my Friday roundup of ODD news? No such luck. I am in Chicago while Hubby is working today. The people in charge of the weather here, didn't get my memo that I only wanted snow for Christmas morning. I definitely didn't want to be driving around Chicago in the snow. Have I ever mentioned that I think the drivers here are...oh maybe I better not go "there". As this is the city of my birth, I have to be careful how I disparage anyone related to Chicago.
As for some of the odd news this week, let's just start with a local story out of Oak Park.
Every Party Has a Pooper
It seems that the party-pooper in this story is an FBI agent.

An Illinois man who admitted planning a bank robbery to fund his going-to-jail party for a drug conviction was sentenced to 19 months of prison time.
Mickey Loniello was already facing a lengthy sentence for drug offenses committed in 2007. To throw one last, fun bash prior to his trip to prison, he and two co-conspirators made plans to steal a getaway car and rob a Chase Bank branch in Oak Park, IL. However, one of his co-conspirators was an undercover FBI agent wearing a wire. (seems you have to be careful about who you hang out with if you are planning a bank robbery.)
After receiving the 19 month sentence last Thursday, Mickey said he wasn't in his right frame of mind at the time he was planning the bank robbery because of his heroine addition. The judge responded saying "that the fight against drugs is difficult but can be done."
Seems that being confined to a jail cell would make getting off of heroine somewhat easier. BTW...he was sentenced on Thursday for crimes committed in 2007. The wheels of justice move rather slowly, don't they?
Now You See Us...Now You Don't
Police in Sweden are looking for 69 missing cows that vanished from a farm the very day they were to be slaughtered.
Farmer Claes Roempke of Stjamhov, said he is baffled by their disappearance. The cows are valued at $107,600.
The farmer was quoted as saying "I have no idea where they have been taken. I hope they are alive and OK." (Seriously....he is worried about their welfare???)
The police are investigating the missing cows. They have ID numbers on all the bovine and think that it isn't likely that the animals will be taken to a slaughterhouse.
I think we are dealing with really smart cows here that made a break-for-it.
Things Not to Say to a Policeman
A woman who said she was delivering a Christmas tree to a friend was stopped after she was spotted by a deputy driving on the wrong side of the road. She was driving south on U.S. 1 in the northbound lanes....at 12:45 AM...with no headlights on.
It would appear that Debra McSween didn't want to be stopped. She told the officer that she had been drinking, doesn't drive well at night, wasn't familiar with the car, didn't know the area well, had taken a hydrocodone for her back, oh and that he could "eat sh**".
She went on to threaten him and make some other less than-classy remarks.
Debra was arrested for DUI, crimes against persons, harming a public servant, resisting an officer, and obstruction.
Bet her friend didn't get the Christmas tree delivered.
The Curse of Being Irresistible
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Doesn't he look totally innocent??? |
Ms Nelson worked as a dental assistant for James Knight for more than 10 years. She contends that she only wore scrubs (nothing sexy) and was not flirtatious. She didn't feel her termination was fair as she did nothing wrong. She is happily married with children and was in no way attracted to her boss.
Dr. Knight's lawyer said that the doctor agonized over terminating her as she was the best assistant he ever had.
During testinmony, Dr. Knight said having her there was like having a Lamborghini in the garage and never being able to drive it.
I think Ms. Nelson got lucky to get out of working for this guy. OINK OINK
I love the cow story; and the thought of them just living it up having a tropical drink somewhere just makes it better. Viva le Beef!
I saw the Iowa story and was disgusted...and the cow story is too funny! "I hope they're ok - right before they're made into lunch."
You know the cows are off planning how to send their owner to the slaughterhouse in their place................lol
Maybe the woman with the Christmas tree should have let the tree drive it would have done a better job..................lol
Yes, I like to think of them having the good life somewhere. Perhaps someone from PETA is hiding them out.
A few years ago I managed the unemployment office so these kind of stories never surprise me. I am always disappointed that the laws don't protect employees from being treated with less than no respect.
The cow story is pretty funny. I hope the cows are alive and well.
That would be a twist if the cows are planning on some type of revenge.
hahaha ...you might be right. Maybe the drunk driver should of told the cop the tree was driving. She gave him every other excuse she could think of.
"...never being able to drive it..." What a class act remark. UGH.
Loved the cow one though!
Nothing says vacation like the word slaughter---Love it! Really laughed at the picture. Thanks.
Anyway you look at it...this guy is a pig. I have to believe with the publicity that this story got, the dental assistant got a bunch of job offers. Hopefully, wherever she goes she will be respected.
Glad you enjoyed the cow story!!!
Glad you laughed..,.I try to find some of the "off the beaten path" stories. Also, glad you enjoyed the pic. I had to hunt around to find the right sunglasses that could fit cows.
The first story is a good example of feeling there's nothing left to lose. The dental assistant case really puzzles me. If he said the Lamborghini statement in court, isn't that admitted he was attracted to her? Of course, I'm assuming he would be attracted to Lamborghinis.
You are much kinder than I am to the first guy. If he hadn't been high (which is on him) he would of thought about bank robbery falls into the FEDERAL offense catagory and usually gets a really long sentance. The fact he didn't go through with it saved his butt. The FBI agent did him a huge favor by nipping the heist in the planning stages.
Yes, we can assume the dirty dentist wanted to "drive" something and his wife wasn't going for it. The judges are being overly conservative as thinking this wasn't a gender issue. I guess the dentist could of been hot for a male as well but in this case he wasn't, The dental assistant did a few misteps as well that I didn't point out so I think that weighed in the final decision,
ha ha ha. All too funny. I love Debra McSween making "less than-classy remarks". Great cow picture. You must tell me where you go to the beach! Thanks for all the belly laughs!
Thank YOU for laughing. I imagine the cows left Sweden and caught a ride to India. They like the idea when someone yells "HOLY COW" they really mean it.
I really hate it when someone takes the cows I'm planning to kill and kills them before I can. Also, those cows are worth as much as that Lambo, which is kinda crazy to me.
Just popping in to say Happy New Year's kiddo. You be safe. I know how wild and crazy those parties you have can get.
Yes, I am sure Farmer Claes is quite upset at the prospect that someone might be enjoying prime rib and banking 107K... I, however, am still holding out hope they found transportation to India,
Happy New Years to you too, my friend. Haha you have me confused with someone much younger and way more party hardy. Hubby and I are going out for an early dinner with his brother and sister-in-law, near Chicago. We will turn in early as we have a 9 hour drive in the morning to get back to KC....oh and it's snowing like crazy here. But I hope you guys celebrate double to make up for our "unfunness"
I hope 2013 is better.
Hi Jerry, So glad to see a new name here!!! Thanks for coming by. I agree...let's hope 2013 is a much better year.
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