Dear Mother Nature,
I am sending this in hopes that you might be able to help me with a "situation" I am having with a couple of your seasons. Specifically, Winter was supposed to vacate and allow Spring to move into my yard. However, that is not the case.
I did send out a brief message last week to Spring. I noted in that complaint that March 20th has come and gone and yet there seems to be a problem with her showing us her "Springyness". I am not trying to be unreasonable here. A couple of weeks ago, she sent out 70 and 80 degree weather, which caused my forsythia and my magnolia trees to bud and BLOOM. They were ( did you get the past tense of the word were) covered in flowers. Now, a full week later, she has let Winter come in here and wreak havoc. I find their bait and switch tactics unacceptable.

I feel like I have been a good sport in dealing with both you and Winter this year. Your funny joke of dumping 43 inches of snow on Kansas City (when the average snowfall should be around 22 inches per season), did not go unnoticed. I scooped and salted without saying a word but enough is enough. I implore you to KNOCK IT OFF, ALREADY!
I am awaiting a prompt resolution to this matter.
More than a little irritated,
Cheryl P.
PS If this is a problem with timing, I am totally prepared to send a complaint to Father Time. Is this really necessary?
cc Spring
Can you CC me on further notes to Mother Nature? I'd like her to know that you are not the lone voice of frustration.
hi Cheeseboy,
Good to know that I am not alone on this matter.
I would think by late March, I shouldn't have to deal with this crud. We are suppose to get more snow in this evening. Obviously, Mother N. is just going to be a Mother F. (oops, I am being bad, aren't I?)
Do you actually have Mother Nature's address? If so I would love if you could post it as I have a few issues to discuss with her...she is the one I would speak to about a certain monthly visitor right?
Yeah, that's who you would talk to. I will warn you though, she will keep putting you off until you are a tad over 50 then she will give you a new present. She will give you flashes of heat that are capable of starting forest fires.(I wouldn't reccommend sitting on any dry hay bales if you are 52 or older.) That Mother Nature can be a real "mother" when she wants to.
Yeah, that's who you would talk to. I will warn you though, she will keep putting you off until you are a tad over 50 then she will give you a new present. She will give you flashes of heat that are capable of starting forest fires.(I wouldn't reccommend sitting on any dry hay bales if you are 52 or older.) That Mother Nature can be a real "mother" when she wants to.
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